
Shiwon Green sat at a table and writing

Those that have been following Fenlandz Health for a while will know that Shiwon is a prolific writer - of humour, of opinion and of advice. With her background of 20 years as a (human) nurse, her passion about health and nutrition, her interest in sport (especially running, swimming, skiing on water or snow and sailing), her 40 years experience in equestrian sport from beginner to international competitor, from dressage to racing, eventing to showing, showjumping to polo she's picked up a lot of knowledge on the way. Here is where she'll share some of that. Articles will be added as they are written and can be accessed from below or from the categorised drop downs above. If you don't want to miss anything, please consider joining our newsletter. We don't spam - newsletters are generally sent out once a week (less if we've got nothing to say) and only include news, updates, promotions and links to stuff you might be interested in. 

For the best of her stories, visit her site: The galloping housewife

Mānuka Honey - UMF vs MGO

Joint Health (article temporarily suspended)

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