4CYTE Epiitalis Forte gel

4CYTE Epiitalis Forte gel is the best joint support for your horse or dog.

.  dog & horse


You’ve likely landed here after hearing some good things about this amazing product and want to know what all the fuss is about. You want to know what is so special about it, why it is getting the rave reviews and why it’s so much better than all the rest.

The first thing you need to understand is that there is simply no comparing 4CYTE Epiitalis Forte gel with any other product on the market, they’re not even in the same ballpark. Or should we say – arena. It is a totally unique product.

4CYTE Epiitalis Forte gel is the only joint supplement in the world to contain the superpower in nutritional joint support, Epiitalis. It is superior in every way to traditional ingredients.

Unlike many other joint supplements, Epiitalis is derived from all natural, plant-based sources. It has been fully safety tested and has no contraindications. It will not test positive in any affiliated, FEI or racing event or any dog agility or dog trials competition.

Epiitalis Forte is a unique gel formula. This preparation means that you have options as to how you feed it – either put on top of the feed or syringe it directly into the mouth, so no more powders floating off in the breeze. You know that your horse or dog gets exactly what it needs. The gel formula also starts to be absorbed in the mouth which means greater bioavailability and a much faster response. Powders and pellets have to travel all the way through to the hindgut before being absorbed which often results in the active ingredient being completely destroyed before there is any uptake. Epiitalis is extremely palatable. Horses & dogs love it! (It's perfectly safe to taste test yourself if you like.)

 Epiitalis has over 10 years of research in development and has had multiple scientific studies and clinical trials peer reviewed and published in such prestigious journals as the American Journal of Veterinary Research. It is endorsed by multiple prominent veterinarians globally.

Epiitalis is the only joint supplement ingredient in the world to have two international patents.

But most of all Epiitalis does what it says on the tin. Fenlandz Health has received hundreds of glowing testimonials in just a few short years of availability in the UK. Our customers notice a difference in days rather than months. You don’t need to keep going month after month, vainly chasing a placebo effect. You will know after the very first purchase that Epiitalis is doing your pride and joy, your best friend, your equine athlete, the world of good.

In the words of Jenny Lawrence: 'This stuff has been a game changer on our yard!'


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